Facial Aging & Rejuvenation for Men
For some men, the effects of aging can occur as early as your twenties to early thirties. If your eyes project a lack of energy due to overhanging skin and puffiness, or dark circles under your eyes, you may appear tired or older. Conversely, if the eyes are more open and relatively free of creases and folds, you will probably seem more rested and youthful. If your forehead shows signs of worry and stress, this too can make you appear fatigued. For these reasons, men of all ages and lifestyles, as well as those wishing to look ready, willing and able to perform well in the business setting, are interested in both surgical and non-surgical treatments for all types of facial aging changes.
Facial rejuvenation for men can be quite a bit different than for women. Our overall approach is still to help you restore a natural youthful energetic appearance but also maintain the level of masculine features and ruggedness that you wish to project. For example, the BOTOX® “frozen” look that some women prefer may not be attractive for men. For many women, we may prefer to raise the eyebrows. But for men just the opposite is actually true. For men, it is often best to maintain the eyebrows in their normal position, while still softening some of the frown lines and transverse lines on the forehead. Sometimes women prefer aggressive volumizing areas with gel fillers to achieve a “radiant” look. In men this can cause the appearance of weight gain, and so we must be conservative. Whereas in women we aim to eliminate crow’s feet around the eyes, in men it might be preferable to slightly soften, but retain crow’s feet in order to preserve a somewhat masculine and rugged look. Men’s facial rejuvenation is different and requires an in depth understanding of how the delicate tissue around the eyes, the eyelids, forehead and overall facial structures and anatomy can be approached to restore and maintain a youthful, energetic appearance while still balancing the intensity of masculine and rugged facial features that define who you are.